The Blossoming of Genuine Collaborative Care at Juno

Five months on from opening Juno, Collaborative Care is beginning to blossom.

This has been the most exciting and heart-warming part of Juno’s unfolding. And a key driver behind Juno’s existence -

So that women, mothers and babes are cared for and held across modalities in a genuinely collaborative way.

Here’s what we’re seeing and how it’s making our hearts happy.

Dr Emily (left) and Amy (right) have been collaborating around maternal burnout and maternal mental health.

Emily comes with an amazing GP skill set and compassionate perspective. Her long consults allow time and space for everything to be held and explored.

Amy approaches through a Motherhood Studies framework and provides a broader sociological perspective of motherhood for better context. Amy also provides Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - to settle the nervous system and rebuild postnatal mammas.

Dr Laura (left) and Physiotherapist Kristen (right) have been working collaboratively for a multifaceted approach to pelvic pain.

In addition to being an excellent GP, Dr Laura is a certified yoga teacher and incorporates this into the care she offers.

These two make an invaluable duo to drive positive outcomes.

Dr Nicole and Amy have collaborated for a meaningful, tailored approach to birth preparation.

Dr Nicole manages complex medical needs and prepares women for feeding on the other side.

Amy uses Acupuncture for nervous system support and birth preparation, as well as offering a birth support persons perspective for stepping up to and working with the process of birthing.

Amanda has been holding space in the Breastfeeding / Postnatal Daystay while Dr Nicole offers clinical support through the process.

This ensures that tender postpartum mothers are cared for in a genuinely whole way.

The possibilities for genuine collaboration across health conditions and life circumstances are truly endless.

And we can’t wait to see what unfolds from here.

Learn more about our team below.

And if you’re not sure where to start, call our beautiful reception or send us an email and we can help find the best path forward for you.


Amy O’Brien: Acupuncture for Perinatal Mental Health Support


Dr Josie Bourne: Neurodivergent Medicine for Families and Children