Emma Necus

Emma Necus (she/her)

MSc Speech and Language Therapy, IBCLC

Paediatric Speech Pathologist - feeding/eating and drinking/swallowing focus
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

Qualifications and Training

MSc Speech and Language Therapy 

Post Grad Certificate Paediatric Dysphagia 

Emma works with infants and children who have eating and drinking/swallowing, breast/bottle feeding challenges. 

Emma provides paediatric speech pathology and lactation services focussing on feeding, eating and drinking skill and oral skills development and related assessments and supports.  

She provides support for (but not limited to) 

  • Bottle feeding

  • Breastfeeding

  • Breast/bottle refusal

  • Transition to solids

  • Picky eating

  • Oral aversion

  • Oral skill development

  • Oral feeding in the context of tube feeding/weaning

  • Tongue tie assessment and support pre and post frenotomy

  • Infant/Paediatric swallowing assessments 

  • Feeding/Eating and Drinking development in children with complex needs and/or disability (including cleft lip and cleft palate, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, genetic and developmental diagnosis, prematurity, tracheostomy) 

Values that inform Emma’s clinical practice

Compassion and Connectedness 

Adaptability and Diversity

Evidence based and Individualised practise

Emma wants to create a world where

Parents, infants and children feel seen, supported, heard and considered. Where they achieve their goals at their own pace. Where they feel supported by a team that adapt and individualise their care to support their unique lives. 

Learn more about Emma

Website / Instagram @feedandgrow