A space for care, support and nurturing during your pregnancy. We provide a model of pregnancy care that involves regular appointments with our GPs at Juno and birth at a nominated hospital.

A great option for those who would like to birth in a hospital, but want medical continuity of care and ease of appointments.

Dr Lucy Ryan and Dr Laura Chapman are accredited to provide this care. You can also read more about why shared care at Juno is different in our Journal.

Why Choose Shared Maternity Care at Juno

  • Experiencing the beautiful, calm, comfortable, sensory friendly space

  • Less waiting in hospitals

  • Comprehensive medical care of your pregnancy

  • Lengthier consultations to allow you to feel heard and to discuss what’s important to you

  • Meeting the same care provider over the course of a pregnancy, allowing trust to build

  • Active collaboration with Juno’s Allied Health team and comprehensive services

  • Shared Care GP’s are uniquely placed to provide generalised care alongside pregnancy care (eg: migraines, pain, mental health support)

Juno offers collaborative care that transitions into postpartum with you

Building a team in one location allows you to benefit from a collaborative team approach to care. Integrate with other Juno services such as Acupuncture, Perinatal Psychology, Physiotherapy, Breastfeeding and Birth Education. Need an iron infusion? We can help you. Utilise our Fluid and Support Stay for Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy if required.

The relationship with your Shared Care GP and other Juno practitioners extends beyond birth into postpartum. This allows you to transition to postnatal care and support in a space you’re already familiar with, and with faces you already know.

Postnatally, feel supported by our Lactation Consultants and Breastfeeding Day Stay. Our other medical specialists include Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist, Paediatrician and Breastfeeding Medicine Doctor, who can liaise if required. Allied Health are available for support.

You are also able to continue to see your Juno GP and other practitioners for ongoing health and wellbeing needs for you and your family if you choose well beyond pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Shared Maternity Care Bookings

We encourage you to come in when you discover you are pregnant. Bookings are made via our standard appointments.

Regular visits usually occur during:

  • First Trimester (0-13 weeks): Confirmation, booking, screening (if desired), referrals, ultrasound, results

  • Second Trimester (14-28 weeks): Anatomical ultrasound, screening including gestational diabetes, 1 x hospital visit

  • Third Trimester (29-40+ weeks): Regular monitoring becoming fortnightly to weekly, support, follow up

If you’re not sure where to start contact us on 9910 4004 and we can guide you through your options and find the right fit for you or enquire via email through the link below.