Kristen Moore

Kristen Moore (she/her)

B Physio(Hons), B Sci(Hons), BBiomedSci


Qualifications and Training:

APA Women’s Health Level 1, 2

WHTA Women’s Health Level 3

Physioskills Advanced Pelvic Pain, Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction Women’s, Mens and Paediatrics Level 3

APA Level 1 dry needling

Kristen treats adults and paediatrics of all gender identities for:

  • Persistent Pelvic Pain:

    • including coccyx, pelvic girdle, vulvodynia, vaginismus, pain with intimacy, pain with periods and ovulation

  • Antenatal Care:

    • including pelvic girdle pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction, preparing your pelvic floor for birth, optimising your birth position and push technique

  • Postnatal Care:

    • including pelvic floor muscle checks, advice on return to activity, mastitis management, any bladder, bowel or sexual function problems you may face after birthing and general aches and pains you may face caring for your new baby

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Bladder and bowel continence and voiding dysfunctions, including anal fissure management, pain with voiding

  • Pre and post prostatectomy care

Values that inform Kristen’s clinical practice:

Empathy. Compassion. Autonomy.

Kristen wants to create a world where pelvic health is not a taboo topic.

A world where women can access up-to-date best practice, compassionate, multi-disciplinary care to live optimal lives.

A world where we recognise that while some things can be common - such as pain and incontinence, they’re certainly not normal.

Kristen wants to start the discussion and together create a plan of action.

Learn more about Kristen:

Website / Instagram @pelvicpainphysio