Preparing to Breastfeed - learning before babe arrives at Juno

Your belly is growing. You can feel the changes unfolding. You know there's a birth story coming to find you, but you don't know when. You know there's a feeding pathway ahead of you, but what that looks like is an unknown too.

The beautiful thing is: Breastfeeding support can gather and grow before babe arrives earthside.

This is the perfect time to stack the cards in your favour through evidenced- based, compassionate breastfeeding education and skill building.

Positive breastfeeding experiences are created when you have a supportive team around you and you’re equipped with up-to-date breastfeeding information.

And we’ve got you covered.

It may be your first time preparing to cross this threshold. Or you may be preparing for a subsequent babe, carrying the stories of what unfolded last time. Either way, we’re here to meet you where you are with what you need.

Pathways of Support

1:1 Appointments

- sit down with Robynne one-on-one for tailored care and support that speaks to your particular circumstances and goals

Group Classes (coming soon)(email to express your interest)

- learn and connect with other women (and their partners) that are at a similar gestation

What We Cover

- How to promote a positive feeding experience

- Understanding how breastfeeding works (mechanics and physiology)

- Importance of skin-to-skin following birth 

- What to expect in the early days and weeks: breast changes, milk composition (the transition from colostrum to milk), common newborn behaviours and feeding patterns

- Understanding the importance of position and attachment

- Ways to support lactation - nutrition, goal setting, postpartum planning/support, rest

- Signs of effective milk transfer to look for during a feed

- Ways to bond and connect with baby

- When to seek help

- Antenatal expressing

- Evidence based and useful resources

- Robynne can show you the space where we run our day long support program - Breastfeeding and Postnatal Day Stay

You will leave with the knowledge and skills to begin your breastfeeding in a way that stands you on solid ground and aligns with your values and goals.

Robynne is compassionate, passionate and really keen to ensure you understand the what and why behind breastfeeding. She’s a woman of many talents - a nurse, midwife and IBCLC. Robynne brings rich clinical knowledge and genuine care to this space.

She’s a brilliant resource to have in your corner as you begin to understand the mechanics and dance of breastfeeding.

Robynne then becomes a touch point you can connect back with when you land on the other side of birth and begin your feeding relationship.

When to Book

Breastfeeding Education is most optimally received between 32-36 weeks.

On the earlier side - you have the more time to let it sink in, and follow your curiousity further.

On the later side - we can additionally support you with antenatal expressing.

Linking In With Juno During Pregnancy

Juno is a hub where you can feel confident that you and your babies needs will be met.

Through Robynne and Juno you have a referral network into the care and support of Breastfeeding Medicine GPs, paediatricians and Speech Pathologists that specialise in infant feeding and swallowing. You’re connected into everyone you might need to support your feeding path.

Everything is in one place. As a team we always collaborate for your best outcomes.

We love being a part of your healthcare and support team.

Find out more about support with Robynne and book appointments below. Feel free to call and discuss the right path forward for your situation anytime you need.


IUD (Intra-Uterine Devices) at Juno Specialists


The Feeling Within a Photo: The Juno Specialist Team