Juno is going to change the game. We know because Juno has already changed us.

Juno is going to change the game. We know this because Juno has already changed us.

For a really long time we’ve believed in the idea behind this model of care. This level of service.

And this past year we’ve been able to test it out on each other.

It’s even better than we had imagined.

We have cared for each other with dignity, respect, authenticity, curiosity and kindness.

We’ve navigated health challenges through genuinely collaborative, attentive, respectful care. Felt supported by the knowledge, expertise and tools we each carry.

We’ve dispensed each other herbs for burnout, acupuncture for nervous system regulation, scripts for antibiotics.

We’ve put our minds together to find gentle pathways forward based on wider knowledge.

Without having to name it, caring for each other has been at the forefront of Juno’s creation.

Including when Founder, Dr Nicole Gale, grabbed her stethoscope while signing paperwork with the financial broker, and diagnosed pneumonia.

Everyone is intentionally cared for. It’s a beautiful thing to finally see and feel what’s possible.

This is what we’ve all always deserved.

We’re taking so much from this active year of preparation. But the biggest insight is that:

We know in our bones that Juno will change the game. Because Juno has already changed us.


The Beauty of Shared Maternity Care at Juno


The Gender Pain Gap