Postnatal Sacred Space: Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay

We’re keen to share more with you about Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay.

This is dedicated space to rest and to catch your breath in postpartum. To learn what you need to know and receive the care you so deserve.

Let’s get to know Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay!

This is the gorgeous Amanda Down.

Amanda is the facilitator of Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay.

She’s an experienced and empathetic mother-care practitioner and doula.

This is the incredible Dr Nicole Gale.

Breastfeeding Medicine Doctor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Nicole brings a richness of knowledge and compassion into Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay that is entirely unparalleled.

And this is the beautiful, instantly homely, Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay space.

The Breastfeeding Day Stay experience is an innovative, specifically designed program. 

It’s also a choose your own adventure.

You can engage with our beautiful space holders and endless resources in the community area. You can lay down and have some quiet time.

You can nap. You can chat. You can learn.

We’ll meet you where you’re at and offer the guidance and nourishment you need to feel stronger and more equipt.

We’ll provide the food and the resources and the care. All of the cups of tea.

These are the individual pods

each with electric king single beds that provide a cosy space for your genuine rest across the day.

Why Attend Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay

We know early, comprehensive, compassionate care leads to better outcomes.

We know breastfeeding is a learned skill that requires focused care, encouragement and support.

And we’re bringing it all to you.

Instead of an appointment, come for the day - you’ll be tended to and supported across feeds and in between.

The Cost of Juno Breastfeeding Day Stay Explained

We want to provide you with clarity to allow for planning and decision making.

Firstly, we need to determine if you’ve reached the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) for the year.

If you’re like me. Your eyes just glazed over.

But it’s important. Reaching EMSN dramatically reduces out-of-pocket costs.

If you’ve undergone IVF or paid for a private Obstetrician in this calendar year, you’ll likely be eligible.

You can check if you’ve reached your Safety Net in the Medicare App (Menu - Safety Net - scroll down to green bar).

How EMSN works: Once you spend a certain amount (out-of-pocket) in a calendar year on services that attract a Medicare rebate, you become eligible for a higher rebate from Medicare. This includes all family members on the same Medicare Card (you need to be registered for Medicare Safety Net family). Eligibility criteria here

Once you reach EMSN you’ll get back up to 80% of the total fee.

Total Cost for Breastfeeding Day Stay: $1650

If you’ve met the EMSN - Total out-of-pocket Cost : $262

If you haven’t met EMSN, Total out-of-pocket Cost : $1138.20 (with standard Medicare rebate)

If you haven’t yet met EMSN, your Medicare App will tell you how far away from it you are. Ensure you’re registered for ‘Medicare Safety Net family’, and that all family members are listed so everyones medical expenses are included.

If you attend the Breastfeeding Day Stay before reaching EMSN, this will bring you closer to reaching EMSN. Which again, once reached, means all your / your families medicare-rebatable appointments and services for the rest of the year - at Juno and elsewhere - will be heavily subsidised.

If you’ve reached the EMSN, you’re able to receive 7 hours of high quality care and support for less than the cost of a single appointment.

After Attending Breastfeeding Day Stay

After your 7 hour stay, you’ll feel clarity around the direction and intention of your feeding path.

You’ll feel listened to, well fed, held and cared for. You’ll be clearer and stronger and ready for the unfolding days of learning life with your little.

You’re very welcome to return as often as you like.

If you’ve got any questions, reach out.

As always, we’re here for you and happy to help.


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